Friday, September 6, 2013

Our first of the Florence must do art "museums"

Today began with Spanish lessons... Kendall started today with Mikela, Joel began earlier in the week.   Kendall has a Spanish One text: Italian edition!  Great way to begin learning Romance languages.

After the lesson, we headed out to the Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens.

With a photo of Rick Steve's recommendation of paintings to view in the Palatine Gallery, we headed into the collection of the Medici family (c. 1500s).  Walls were stacked three or four high with paintings in gilded frames.  Raphael's portraits were my favorite, but photos were not allowed.

A pizza break at Gusta Pizza... a recommended spot from last year's PC ESE students

 PC students (likely this years) left their name on our table!

Back to the Boboli Gardens for a hot, but beautiful stroll.

 Cosimo I's fat dwarf jester straddling a turtle: Quite a sight!

And a bit of modern sculpture in profile.
The boys walking in Boboli  Gardens

A dog... missing Jazzy here in Florence!

Back over the Arno for a drink at the roof top Terrazza by our apartment.

Mom and I enjoyed our first Spritz, the Florence summer drink.  Kendall a Caffe Freddo and Joel, a fresh Squeezed Orange Juice.  A much needed rest on a very hot (over 95 again today) day.

Duomo from Terrazza

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