Sunday, October 6, 2013

Some treats from home

So for several days now we have been talking about looking for some Mexican food in Florence.. we tried making tacos at home.. but cheese-whiz doesn't cut it... and Cheddar or Monterey Jack are no where to be found.  To the web we went and found out that Mexican food wasn't that far away! Tijuana restaurant (three blocks away) came up, but so didn't Eby's, describe as a hole in the wall for nachos and burritos (four blocks away).   Decided to check out Eby's and glad we did.  Now the nachos weren't the same as home -- Fontina Cheese is the substitute.. and the chips had more of a Doritto taste.. but the guacamole on top was great.  No one had any complaints about the Sangria and Smoothies (your choice of three fruits, Chia seeds).   

Chicken Burrito

Now our next craving was a bit more difficult. Learned that Italians don't have sugarsciroppo di mais or caramelle caramello.  So we did our homework to find a from scratch recipe and translated our needed ingredients: panna, mieli, zucchero di canna.    Now off to the Conad.

Do you know what we are making?


All set to enjoy caramel apples and the Pats!

Just another Sunday afternoon at the Hauerwas' in Florence.


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