Monday, November 25, 2013

Fiesole, Take 2

For Halloween, everyone took a day trip to Fiesole.  It was Adam's first time there, but a return visit for the rest of the family.


We celebrated the anniversary of our first date by treating ourselves to a special lunch overlooking Florence:

Tuna Carpaccio and Mango
and ribes (blackcurrant)
Grilled Zucchini with
Prosciutto and Ricotta



It was a beautiful day and surprisingly warm, so we thought we'd take a walk on a nature trail around the hillsides surrounding Fiesole to discover where Leonardo first flew or fell (depending on who is telling the story).

A view off the hillside
Thanks, WordLens!

There is a point on the walk dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci's first flight experiments:


Walking back we found a few more "modern" machines:

We then hung out and rested on the town square for a few moments until sunset.

And then again, took the bus back home (20 minutes on the 7).  Another special day in Tuscany!

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